El mundo oculto de MÁHPIYA

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21./22. September 2024
28./29. September 2024
05./06. Oktober 2024
19./20. Oktober 2024
26./27. Oktober 2024
16./17. November 2024
07./08. December 2024
14./15. December 2024

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Since the beginning of time, there have been angels who lead the seekers to the world of MÁHPIYA.

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When you are ready, they step out of the darkness to light your way with their light.

Your way to MÁHPIYA

MÁHPIYA is not a fairy tale or fantasy land. It is another reality - something that really exists.

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Are you open to new and unusual things?


Are you interested in eternal secret knowledge?

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So far you didn't know anything about the existence of this world. It was hidden from you.


This world is around you without you were being able to perceive yet.


But it is also deep in yourself with all its secrets, in which you already have had a part.


Here you can learn to heal yourself physically, mentally and spiritually.

Or heal those people, plants and animals that you love.


Open up new opportunities and skills, material and spiritual.


But also learn to enjoy what you have - life with all its fullness.

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MÁHPIYA helps you to remember other lives and ancient knowledge.

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Your perceptions are still limited, but soon you will be able to send your senses far beyond what you have known up to now -


into the angelic reality of MÁHPIYA

Experience magical adventures and mystical encounters.


Be courious who you will meet there.

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Every seeker needs a master (or more ones) who helps him on his way.


If you are the seeker, we are the soul masters, which can show you the way.

Let us guide you.


We are your guides to the spiritual world of MÁHPIYA!


Phoenix - Legacy

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El mundo oculto de MÁHPIYA

Let´s take a part with us

on the newest seminar from

Magus and Grandmaster

Sir F.E. Eckard Prinz von Strohm


First spiritual adventure
in the hidden world of angels

El mundo oculto de MÁHPIYA

Who is the author and lector?

Sir F.E. Eckard Prinz von Strohm

Magus and Grandmaster
Eckard Strohm is a spiritual teacher and healer, Grandmaster, magus with the highest possible education, medium, journalist, writer and traveler. He has been on his spiritual journey for over 66 years. His medial and spiritual skills was opend since he was four years old. He strengthened his spirutal knowledge in various communities, lodges and ordens of theological and spiritual focus. Eckard cooperates with various mediality gifted persons, top therapists, experts in classical and alternative medicine. Grand Master Eckard Strohm has created more than 80 seminars in his lifetime. Each is dedicated to a different field and in a very special way supports people in their spiritual growth and on their way to a better and undepreciated life. "THE HIDDEN WORLD OF MÁHPIYA" is his 82th seminar. It is the biggest project ever.
New created seminars
Years of spiritual experiences


How it's structured, in a way that's easy for me to remember how to use. The celebrations of mine and Mechtild's birthdays. The effectiveness I've seen time and time again. Arolo, simply put, root cause directly. I learn something new every time. New discoveries, examples, etc. How often I've witnessed it work especially when I get out of the way. How the connection feels. How there's not only 1 way to analyze. How once perceived impossible, has been possible. The other students. The discoveries along the way. The support that has been received. The patience, love, and understanding. The sessions received. The commitment and sacrifices made of coming to the USA to teach.
Anna TangUSA
Dear Eckard, Since I first met you, about 18 years ago, I felt that there was something special with you. During these years I have attended to several of your seminars and I have to say that they have been increasing in interest more and more. All these years my life have changed for good, I have more conciousness, I can recognise my weaknesses, but also my strenghts. From the very beginning I felt that I had returned home. Thank you, thank you, thank you for all your love and patience and dedication to others, and specially to me!!! I love you!!!❤️❤️❤️
Carles BGSpain
Dear Eckard, Your amazing books and seminars has changed my life, and directed me towards my true destiny. You put the seeds of knowledge in me and I watered, nurtured them for years and now they are blooming flowers, ready to spread more seeds that are in my books. So Thank you, and happy birthday! 🎈🎉
Berti M. BagdiAustralia
Well, I have known Eckard for almost 25 years now. And however strange it might sound, every seminar brought me something I needed at that moment. I think over the years, Eckard, the team and his teaching have shaped me to a person I would not be without them. I think thanks to him, the world around me makes so much more sense to me..and at the same time each seminar brings something exciting, something new... To sum up, I am truly greatful our path have crossed;)
Petra Legrand HollaFrance/Slovakia
Very easy ! I visit the seminars because they are the best of the best with difference. Thank to Eckard and his seminars I grow up in my life faster, stronger with a light guiding me ... ., seminars help me directly in my whole life and I am a better person. I could write much more text because Eckard is another sphere... He helps you without hope nothing ... he works on you in the seminars without you knowing ... Why? Because he wants the best for you and he gives you the best of him for you. Simply I love him very deep in my heart, he is my loved master in all aspects of my life ❤️❤️❤️
Ramon ManeSpain
First of all, he is an amazing person. I really enjoy a lot learning with him and it is a huge inspiration for me. I know meeting Eckard has been a blessing in my life. There is no words to say how deep is my thankful to him. When you seat in a seminar and you look at him while he teaches, you know it is really special, you understand so many things, there is a healing inside you. You will not be the same person after a seminar of Eckard Strohm. You receive like “an angel’s touch”. As I said, he is amazing and I admire him and love him and his family for ever ❤️
Marta Bravo ZuritaSpain/Germany
I feel that I fall short when writing the reasons that have led me and take me to take the courses of my Master Eckard Strohm. I consciously received his teachings indirectly in 2007, through instructors of his Reiki I, Angeles I courses, and it was in May 2008 when I was able to access the Essenios Master's course, where he directly taught the teachings with his wonderful team. From there I was accessing his teachings through different courses / seminars because I really felt and feel that everything He transmits / teaches is again and again tools, material ... (to call it somehow), of a high level, but at the same time simple to apply ..., that have made me connect more to my BEING, connect with my gifts and show them, see, accept and help me heal my shadows, love me more and the other, successfully overcoming my learnings, lead my LIFE with greater Success in Happiness, and in that and therefore, in turn, help my family, friends and those around me. Eternally I have to give you infinite THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart, I will continue unconditionally attending your courses / seminars, your teachings ... is my guide ...my TEACHER!
Juana Maria Martin SuarezSpain
This is not just a seminars that we forget after some years...this is THE SEMINARS that we gonna remember at all life. The main aspects for me of the seminars are : humility, respectation, love - be humane at all time with everybody, and as I experianced, worth it very much. All of the seminars built up for that indefinite amount of the knowledge that Eckard and his team have. What seminars gave me? Knowledge of me, who I am, where Im going and how I should do in the future. Helped me to find myself in this world and gave my life back that I was losing 13 years ago. Bravely can tell the seminars gave you THE LIFE! Thank you very much for the all team!
Klaudia Ledermann - HorváthHungary

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El mundo oculto de MÁHPIYA

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